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beijing national indoor stadium造句

"beijing national indoor stadium"是什么意思  
  • The 2015 CBA All-Star Game was played on January 18, 2015, at the Beijing National Indoor Stadium in Beijing.
  • The largest structures built were the Beijing National Stadium, Beijing National Indoor Stadium, Beijing National Aquatics Center, Olympic Green Convention Center, Olympic Green, and Beijing Wukesong Culture & Sports Center.
  • It was reformed for the 2008 Summer Olympics where it hosted the handball tournaments up to and including the quarter-finals, after which they will move to the larger Beijing National Indoor Stadium.
  • The "'Wheelchair Basketball competition of the 2008 Summer Paralympics "'is held in Beijing National Indoor Stadium and Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium between September 7, 2008 and September 16, 2008.
  • It's difficult to see beijing national indoor stadium in a sentence. 用beijing national indoor stadium造句挺难的
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